Bikaner in Rajasthan

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Bikaner IN Rajasthan

Contact for. Hiring Hotel General Manager, restaurant headchef and other senior hotel employees. Recruitment in placements Bikaner City Rajasthan.
We are registered hotel staff provider in Rajasthan we provide hotel staff and senior employees managers and chef to hotels and resorts in Bikaner Rajasthan India..
We are Hotel HR consult in c service provider we search and recruit best professional talented and experience hotel employees working in Bikaner as well as in all Rajasthan we can help your hotel business in Bikaner finding suitable employees.
We can find and search a best hotel manager as well as a best chef and other hotel employees for your business.. We are professional hotel recruitment and placement service provider for hotels and resorts in Bikaner.

we are available for you to find and search professional Hotel Management graduates and Hotel Management employees for your new hotel and restaurant business in Bikaner give us the opportunity we will show you best efforts and best search for professional employees.
You can contact our phone number we are available to talk to you and discuss more about your staff requirement in Bikaner.

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You can try visiting on website Doot app this is a hotel staff website hire staff

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Hotel owner
Address:    Bikaner

We are facing a problem our hotel staff are not educated from nearby villages it is very difficult to provide them. Training programs, but this agency help us finding IHM graduates, which help our business grow

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