Udaipur in Rajasthan

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Udaipur IN Rajasthan

Welcome to our website, we can help your Hotel & Resort  restaurant in Udaipur, Rajasthan ,India staffing hirng and placements and consultation. Kitchen employees, restaurant employees, Housekeeping and senior managers. We can find some of the very talented genius. Employees for your hotels and resorts. A good employee means happy customer. Experience employees means profit.

City Udaipur in Rajasthan famous for destination weddings and tourist from out of India and Gujarat. You need a best hotel manager and best chef to run the business successful in Udaipur and most of the manager and chef in Rajasthan are not very much qualified compare to Ahmedabad Surat and Mumbai and Delhi. Because they have never work before out of Udaipur city. That is the reason nowadays many hotels and restaurant owners facing revenues and un match expenses problems.

Most of the hotel owners in Udaipur contact us in past for searching sales and marketing background manager and creative multi cuisine chef and restaurant manager for their hotels resorts and restaurants.

We are proudly announced that we become one of the most promising hotel placement agency for recruitments of chef. Hotel  manager and other senior employees hotel business.

If you have any questions in your mind we are available on this phone number please contact.

FAQ ' s

Actually, the fees depend on the calibre of the individual and how he is experience but normally a good professional HR consultancy feast approxidely 30 days of equal amount of candidates salary

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Hotel owner
Address:    Udaipur

We are not really very happy with the services. Our project is delay due to there commitment. But I would like to recommend their services and knowledgeable.. And of the last we search a best chef from Ahmedabad from this agency for my new project

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