Kota in Rajasthan

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Kota IN Rajasthan

 Namaskar, my name is Chef Amit Gaur and my company name is hotelstaffprovider. We are hotel and resorts manpower agency in Kota Rajasthan Research and recruit best talented managers and employee for hotels restaurants we provide restaurant staff in Kota Rajasthan. We can solve your hotel and restaurant menpower problem.k contact us, talk to our customer care number we can search best employees for you from Kota city in Rajasthan or maybe we can do the searching all Rajasthan. Area.

Every type of hotel employees including hotel general manager executive chef restaurant manager and front office manager and all type of hotel and restaurant employees designation we provide to hotels and resorts and restaurants in Kota Rajasthan please contact if you are hiring people Consultancy Service.

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chef amit talk for job i n hotel

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Address:    kota

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